10 points to taking massive action and changing your life
I have the equivalent of 29 Black Belts and have won several championships around the world. The preparation for each test has been the same. This is the method that I use to prepare for any challenge and it works :
1. Decide that you want to do it.
Take your time, think it through and ask your self the question; is this what I really want to do?
2. Get leverage on yourself.
I would always buy non refundable tickets to where ever I was going to grade or compete. Think about ways that you know will definately give you massive incentive to reach your goal.
3. Commit to your decision.
Tell someone that you know will hold you to your commitment. In fact make an announcement at work or on facebook/twitter. So if you don’t go ahead and commit, you may get egg on your face.
4. Take immediate action
Do something that will solidify your intention.
i. Get the info. Understand exactly what is needed.
ii. Set a plan. Work with in your time constraints
iii. Work with in your limitations.
- Family
- Work
- Size
- Shape
- Age
5. Be Consistant
I always try to do a little everyday. Don’t cram.
6. Get Fit.
A real important one. You may need to supplement your training with some extra cardio work. Remember a fit body is a fit mind.
7. Imagery.
This is a huge part of my preparation. I do a lot of mental revision, visualising myself doing the techniques, getting the order correct. This is great and only takes a couple of minutes a day.
8. Diet and Nutrition, sleep and relaxation
Get the latest info. There is plenty available. In a nutshell: Nothing out of a packet. Heaps of fresh fruit and veg, plenty of water, limit the tea and coffee, eat lean, watch the carbo’s, give booze the flick during the week.
9. Don’t become obsessed with winning or the end result.
Win, lose, pass or fail, you have only really won if you know in your heart that you have done everything in your power to prepare.
10, Fun
Over and above anything else….
Great advice Andy. I particularly focussed on committment, a strategy/plan and daily practice and fitness conditioning for about 6 weeks before my grading to black. And I took a month off the booze 🙂
Thank you for sharing your way.
I believe the more we enlighten ourselves to the journeys we are all on the more profoundly we move forwards.
Having someone as a guide who has achieved so much really helps.