The Book

I was chatting with one of my friends recently when he said that he has written 2 manuscripts and a number of eBooks using the now very popular AI. Writing is all about heart. It takes a lot to get your thoughts and ideas down on paper, then you have to kink it all together…

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Martial arts are changing. I could feel the change back when Taekwondo was accepted as an Olympic sport. A few of us tried to maintain a semblance of tradition but that was short lived. With the onslaught of UFC, MMA and the BJJ studios all making unreasonable promises. Some quite ridiculous. Like all fights end…

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A snake or the rope.

Fear and anxiety can be crippling. Living a life ruled by fear is suffering. Most of what we fear is just an illusion and what we fear never eventuates. At the time the fears seem so real. How can we differentiate whether the fear is valid? A really good way of looking at this is…

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Anxiety has a habit of creeping up on you. It could be part of a constant backdrop to which we relate to the rest of the world. We are unaware of its power but it can be there without us realising, Influencing everything that we do, wondering why we are under so much stress. I…

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How I survived the toilet paper frenzy.

I entered my local shopping centre with the intention of just stocking up on the essentials like a bag of rice, some tins of tuna and a couple of bags of frozen vegetables. But I crossed the line, I entered the aisle where the newest hot commodity, toilet paper used to reside. Now being an…

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Things Change

Things change

Things change. One of the biggest challenges that we have as people is coping with change and the bigger the attachment to the thing, situation or person, the more one suffers to cope with the change when it happens. We build these seemingly indestructible castles around every aspect of our lives and in the end,…

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Good vs Bad

Good Vs Bad

Good vs bad One of my trainers last week asked me how I define good and bad. These are labels that we use to judge almost all events in our lives. Every event is in fact neutral and we give it life by the opinion that we lay over it, based on our own individual…

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Learning to live fully and not just exist.

Learning to live fully and not just exist.

Live Now. This sounds like a pretty easy thing to do…Live now, because if you are not living now then where and when are you living? In a practical way this is true, but it is important to not confuse living with existing. While the body exists in a space we are easily taken away…

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Make it count….

Our lives are really full. There is a powerful pre occupation with “doing” that keeps us really busy. We step out into this world from the cocoon of our parents and launch ourselves onto the treadmill of life. As life gains momentum we zing past events and quickly move onto something new and what was…

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It’s up to you.

It is up to you! There is a quantum leap in your awareness when you realise with certainty that you are responsible for your own life. Once this awareness sits in your soul, you can shape a life by design and not by default. Designing the way that you want to live means you take…

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What if ?

What if? What if?  The possiblities are endless? You have a choice in each action, to open and embrace uncertainty or to be a prisoner to your own limitations.

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But I don’t like the way you speak to me!

Did you think that it was going to be easy? Did you think that Martial Arts was going to be like any other sport, pastime or hobby? I keep saying time and time again that martial arts is more than just a physical movement. Martial arts is marketed as a body , mind, spirit, way…

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7 Simple ways to connect with others.

Have you seen the Movie “Into The Wild?” It’s a true story about a man that spends his entire life running from people, wanting to be alone in solitude. He ends up isolating himself in an old caravan in the Alaskan wilderness. At the end of the story, trapped by the winter and sick from…

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Conscious Friendship

Honour friendship. Don’t discriminate family and friendship. Don’t treat your friends well and your family badly. My closest friend said to me recently, don’t argue with your partner, treat him/her badly then smile at the first stranger that you see in the street.

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10 Tips for finding peace NOW..

What is taking the space? We often hear the phrase, “taking the space”.  Taken literally it can mean to see an opportunity where nothing exists and then taking up residence in that void. May be even as simple as taking the spare parking space, or moving into an area in a crowded room that has…

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